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Obtaining of the Czech Championship certificate

Send by airmail or bring to the office: - original pedigree or a copy thereof and original of the show results appendix - original of the cards certifying obtaining the CAC - the CAC must have been awarded by at least two different judges - the CAC must have been obtained in at least two show seasons (years) Breeds subject to working trials: - 2x CAC (at least one obtained at an international show) + a copy of the certificate of a required working trial Breeds not subject to working trials: - 4x CAC (at least two obtained at an international show) Use of Res. CAC for awarding of Czech Champion title - construction: The title Res. CAC proven by the written critique and the Res. CAC card can be used for Czech Champion title as CAC in case the dog/bitch having obtained the title CAC and the show had already have got confirmed title Czech Champion at the time of awarding of the Res. CAC. In practice, the owner of the dog/bitch, which claims the awarding of the title Czech Champion and discloses the title Res. CAC, is obliged to inform the ČMKU secretariat which specimen has obtained the CAC title (name and kennel, pedigree number, catalogue number) and disclose a copy of the written critique of the winner.

Author: ČMKU
Insert: 19.5.2009

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