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Reglementy FCI


CZ: Agility pravidla FCI (platná od 01.01.2012)
EN: Agility regulations of FCI
EN: pecifications for the Agility World Championships
EN: Guidelines for Agility judges


EN: General Regulations for participation in Obedience trials and competitions in Obedience Classes 1 and 2
EN: General regulations for participation in Obedience trials and competitions in the international Obedience class with C.A

Pracovní psi

EN: FCI Guidelines for awarding the CACIT at International Utility and Tracking tests
EN: FCI guidelines for International Nordic Style Trials
EN: Guidelines for the international Utility Dog Trials and international Tracking Dog trials of the FCI (valid as from 01.
EN: Guidelines of the FCI Utility Dogs Commission for the pool of judges for FCI World Championships
EN: Specifications for the organization of the FCI IPO European Open for Tracking Dogs
EN: Rules of Mondioring Competititon
EN: Pool of judges for FCI World Championships / Situation 30.09.2013
EN: Specifications : IPO World Championship for Tracking Dogs
EN: Specifications : IPO World Championship for Utility dogs


EN: Guidelines of the FCI Rescue Dogs Commission for the pool of judges for FCI World Championships
EN: International Testing Standards - Rescue Dog Tests
EN: International Testing Standards for the Team Competition in Rescue Dog Sport
EN: Pool of judges for FCI Rescue Dogs World Championships


EN: FCI Regulations for awarding the CACITR at International Herding Trials
CZ: FCI-HWT Pracovní test v pasení - Sháněcí styl (pro Border kolie a Kelpie)
EN: Herding Working Test FCI-HWT Collecting style for Border Collie and Kelpie exclusively
CZ: FCI-HWT Pracovní test v pasení - Tradiční styl (ne pro Border kolie a Kelpie)
EN: Herding Working Test FCI-HWT Collecting style excluding Border Collie and Kelpie
CZ: Mezinárodní pravidla pro traily ovčáckých psů - Sháněcí styl (pro Border kolie a Kelpie)
EN: International Rules for Sheepdog trials - Collecting Style (for Border Collie and Kelpie exclusively)
CZ: Mezinárodní trail pro ovčácké psy - Tradiční styl (ne pro Border kolie a Kelpie)
EN: International Rules for Sheepdog trials - Collecting Style (excluding Border Collie and Kelpie)


EN: InterKanin Score Sheet
EN: International earth trial on fox for Earth Dogs (InterBau)
EN: International Earth trial on rabbit skin for Miniature and Rabbit Dachshunds (InterKanin)
EN: International Rules for the multiple trial for Teckels (InterVp)
EN: International trial after shooting for German Hunting Terriers (InterPndS)
EN: International Versatility Test for Teckels (InterVP)
EN: InterVp Score Sheet
EN: InterVPG Score Sheet
CZ: Mezinárodní pravidla pro Evropský pohár pro norníky
EN: Euro Cup Trials for Earth Dogs (ECP)
CZ: Mezinárodní všestranná pracovní zkouška pro foxteriéry (InterGP)  
EN: International Utility Test for Fox Terrier (InterGP)
CZ: Mezinárodní všestranná pracovní zkouška pro jezevčíky (InterVGP)  
EN: International Utility Test for Teckels (InterVGP)
CZ: Speciální ustanovení pro norníky k získání Mezinárodního šampionátu práce (C.I.T.)
EN: International Working Championship (C.I.T.): Special Regulations for Earth Dogs
CZ: Velká cena norníků (GPE)
EN: Grand Prix for Earth Dogs (GPE)
EN: Application for a CACIT test/trial

Saňoví psi

EN: FCI guidelines for Sled Dog working judges


CZ: Evropský pohár - pravidla pro smečky honičů 1993
EN: European Cup 93 competition regulations for packs of hounds
CZ: Evropský pohár - pravidla pro solo a smečky honičů
EN: Rules governing the organization, competitions and judges associated with the European Cup competition for Hounds (Solo and Packs)
CZ: Evropský pohár - pravidla pro solo honiče
EN: FCI EUROPEAN CUP Trial Regulations for Hounds of FCI group 6, Solo
EN: Guidelines for the different canine disciplines of the Solo competitions: Questing, giving tongue, calling and leading

Kontinentální ohaři

CZ: Oficiální řády a ustanovení mezinárodních field trialů a mezinárodních loveckých zkoušek pro kontinentální ohaře
EN: Official Rules and Bylaws for International Field Trials and International Hunting Tests for Continental Pointers

Britští ohaři

EN: International Field Trial Regulations for Individual and Paired events for British Pointing Dogs
EN: International Regulations of Grande Quete Field Trials for British Pointing Dogs
EN: Regulations of the European Cup Grande Quete Field Trials for BRITISH POINTING DOGS


EN: Guidelines for judging and organizing ICC, CdE and CACIT retriever field trials in genreal
EN: Guidelines for the qualification and selection for ICC, CdE and IWT for Retrievers
EN: International Regulations for field trials for RETRIEVER breeds
EN: Rules for the European Cup for Retrievers
EN: Rules for International Gundog Working Tests for RETRIEVERS

Lovečtí španělé

EN: FCI Regulation B for international trials for English hunting Spaniels and Deutsche Wachtelhund
EN: Rules for European Cup - Regulation A
EN: Trials for English hunting Spaniels-Regulation A

Dostihy a coursing

CZ: FCI Regulations for International Sighthound Races and Lure Coursing Events
EN: FCI Regulations for International Sighthound Races and Lure Coursing Events


CZ: Směrnice pro soutěže JH na světových a sekčních výstavách
EN: FCI Guidelines for World and Section Junior Handling Competitions